Thursday, March 25, 2010

Go Blog Visiting

Go to Nicole Ermel to learn about the book "Fantastic Mr. Fox". I haven't read it so I am going to check it out and learn about it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Second Book for Silverwing

Into The Wild

This book called 'Into the Wild' and the main characters name is Rusty. Rusty is a house cat and to the wild cats called a kittypet. Rusty is a curious cat and decided to go into the woods to hunt for mice. He meets his new friends for the first time though he doesn't know it. He has a small fight and then Bluestar, the younger cats leader appers. She invites Rusty to join Thunder Clan and Rusty accepts. Then comes training to become a warior and things become grusome. Cats start dying unexpectadly and cats' loyalty is questioned. Rusty now known as Firepaw knows somethings that even Bluestar doesn't. He is put to the test many times and he has to show his strenght and ability.

Friday, February 19, 2010

L. M. Montgomery and Her Books

Lucy Maud Montgomery is known for writing many books in the heart of Prince Edward Island. The book that most people have either read or watched the movie (read the book first!!!!) is Anne of Green Gables. Where Anne the lonely orphan girl meets her loving but watchful and strict gaurdians Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert and then later Diana Berry. Then if you enjoyed the first book there is 6 more! During these books Anne grows up, marries a old "friend" (I won't tell you who it is so I won't spoil it for you) and has 7 children.